What to do when you have national parks on your mind, but can’t actually visit them?
You might have found yourself in this situation in the last year or so, with the travel restrictions from the global pandemic - or a national park trip might be off the books for countless other reasons.
I’ve been in this situation for a while, actually.
I adore our national parks, but I don’t visit them often, and that’s mostly because of debt. My husband and I have a lot of it, mostly student loans, and we’re working our tails off to beat the debt to the ground so we can be free of it once and for all. That means that we’re putting bigger expenses on hold and not traveling much at all. If we can somehow fit a stop at a national park into a trip to visit family or one of our cross-country moves, we absolutely do, but we’re not making many special trips just to vacation at a National Park — yet.
And yes, it kills me to wait like this, but the reward of getting out of debt faster and afterward having the freedom to travel as much as we want? That’s worth it.
So what do I do when I’m longing for a national park adventure, but can’t actually hit the road?
I read about them.
I study them.
I soak in their stories and their topographies.
Books are a fantastic way to explore America’s national parks, whether you’re looking for a vicarious adventure, a mental retreat, or planning your next trip. Below I’ve listed a few of the national-park related books I’ve enjoyed reading recently -- books which any fan of our national parks is bound to appreciate.
Find your next national park adventure in one of these titles…
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